Our obsession with new, is getting really old.

Our society is changing for the better when it comes to making wiser choices for mother earth. I like to think most people are doing their part, and most people are learning how they can do their part more effectively. We don’t need to be perfect at living sustainably, but we do need to be persistent in our pursuit of it.

Sometimes, that means using our purses for groceries when we forgot our reusable bags. Sometimes it is appropriately sorting the recycling, even though every fibre of your being wants to couch. Sometimes it is making the choice to do less laundry because those jeans aren’t as filthy as you imagine.

ALWAYS, it looks like cutting up those plastic six-pack carriers that wind up in the ocean only to strangle birds and sea creatures….you ALWAYS cut those up, so that no portion could ever strangle a living thing. Don’t ever let me catch you not cutting those up. Respect those that share this planet with us! (END RANT)

Back to my original point, the conscious and constant pursuit of a sustainable life. Every day we have a plethora of small decisions, that collectively have a massive impact. One of the ways we can make better decisions is by choosing to purchase secondhand goods. Most of my belongings are secondhand. I don’t say this to earn a girl guide badge, I say it because our obsession with new, albeit shrinking, is still something our society clings to. Purchasing the majority of your belongings secondhand IS absolutely achievable. Loving the items you purchase secondhand IS absolutely do-able.

I created The Conscious Closet Market because I want to create a lifeline to those just getting started on their secondhand journey. I want to provide a place where you can learn how to repair your own clothing, which will keep more clothing out of landfills. I want to provide different avenues for people to shop secondhand. I want to showcase curators and makers you can chat with about styling, tips on secondhand shopping, and tips on caring for clothing. Overall I want to provide a space to open up conversations on how secondhand can work for all of us… and to enjoy some sparkling wine.

Tickets are available on the site!! So mark Sunday November 24th 2019 on your calendars! Come down to Model Citizen on 17th Ave, and see what secondhand can do for you!

Most of us have a conscience that lets us know when we're about to make a good decision or act selfishly. Most of us have this, except for those that don’t cut up the plastic six-pack carriers.